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Can you create a clone from frozen semen?

September 28, 2020

We cannot clone from frozen sperm.  Sperm is haploid, it contains one set of chromosomes.  When it unites with the oocyte or egg, which is also haploid, it forms a diploid (2 sets of chromosomes) organism.  A diploid cell is needed in order to clone.  

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If I am ready to move forward with a Genetic Preservation, Express Tissue Bank, or cloned animal request – how do I proceed?

September 10, 2020

You can place an order for a Genetic Preservation, Express Tissue Bank, or a cloning agreement by simply calling 1-800-999-3586 Ext 3104 for Diane Broek. An order can also be placed through your Trans Ova Genetics customer service representative.

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Does food from cloned animals and their offspring have to be labeled?

September 10, 2020

In January 2008, the FDA released their Final Risk Assessment that stated that the products from cloned animals and their offspring are safe, that there is no difference in food produced from cloned animals and their offspring, thus there is no reason to require labeling on all products. The offspring of cloned animals are conventionally bred and are not cloned animals themselves.

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Is there special care that Trans Ova Genetics provides to my cloned animals?

September 10, 2020

As with all advanced reproductive technologies, cloning is part of a carefully planned and implemented genetic advancement program, uniquely defined to achieve individual client goals. For clients that have animals at the elite genetics level and marketing caliber for cloning, Trans Ova Genetics has dedicated their trained, professional team specialists to ensure the best possible care through the entire process.

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How long has Trans Ova Genetics been cloning livestock?

September 9, 2020

For more than 40 years, Trans Ova Genetics has been working closely with livestock breeders on advanced reproductive technologies. We formed a joint venture with ViaGen in 2007 called Bovance, and purchased ViaGen in 2012. Today, Trans Ova Genetics provides cloning services for cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, and deer. We also provide Genetic Preservation services to exotic species. The experience of Trans Ova Genetics is unparalleled. It involves more than 20 years of experience with cloning technologies and encompasses thousands of animals.

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