Trans Ova Genetics Advanced Technologies (TOGAT) is proud to welcome Recombinetics and its notable subsidiary, Acceligen, into our family as a way to drive cutting-edge advancements in animal genetics.
Together, we leverage our expertise in reproductive technologies and gene editing to develop innovative solutions that enhance animal health, sustainability, and genetic progress.
This synergy allows us to offer industry-leading solutions for livestock improvement, empowering producers with precision genetics to meet the demands of modern agriculture.
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For over 40 years, Trans Ova has been at the forefront of livestock reproductive technology, offering a full suite of assisted reproductive services—including embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization (IVF), sexed semen, genetic preservation, and cloning. As pioneers in livestock cloning, our expert team has successfully produced thousands of cloned cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats since our first cloned calf in 1998.
Every cloned calf, piglet, lamb, and kid is carefully nurtured by our dedicated scientists, veterinarians, and professionals, ensuring a proven, reliable process that delivers healthy, high-quality animals to our clients. With decades of experience, Trans Ova Genetics Advanced Technologies remains the industry leader in advanced cloning technology.
A Genetic Preservation preserves the cells and DNA from your elite animal. Starting with a small tissue sample, we produce millions of cells, that are genetically identical to your special animal, after a culture period of several weeks. At that point the cells are frozen for long term storage. A small portion of those cells will be used should you decide to clone in the future.
An Express Tissue Bank allows for the preservation of DNA from an elite animal on an economical basis. Several small tissue samples are frozen intact to produce an ETB. If you are not sure you will ever clone the animal but want to preserve the DNA while you can, this may be the option for you. If you do decide to clone later, the ETB will be cultured into a GP to get the individual cells that we need to clone.
All our livestock programs are offered as live animal programs. Trans Ova Genetics Advanced Technologies will produce cloned embryos in their lab to implant into TOG recipients, which will be gestated and birthed at TOG. The babies are raised to weaning at Trans Ova and delivered to clients after weaning. This includes a live calf, live piglet, live lamb and live goat program. The cloning programs vary by species. Please contact a Trans Ova representative or visit our processes page for details on your species.
With over 40 years of expertise in assisted reproductive technologies, Trans Ova Genetics Advanced Technologies is a global leader in animal genetic preservation and cloning. We’ve successfully cloned thousands of farm animals and preserved the genes of many more, helping breeders and farmers maximize reproductive potential and protect valuable genetics.
Whether you manage beef or dairy cattle, pigs, goats, or sheep, we provide solutions to meet demand for semen, embryos, and offspring, preserve genetics against loss, enhance herd performance, quality, and consistency, and expand marketing opportunities.
We cannot clone from frozen sperm. Sperm is haploid, it contains one set of chromosomes. When it unites with the oocyte or egg, which is also haploid, it forms a diploid (2 sets of chromosomes) organism. A diploid cell is needed in order to clone.
To place an order for a Genetic Preservation, Express Tissue Bank, or a cloning agreement, call 800.999.3586 or emailing Diane Broek or Brenna Jasper. You can also order through your Trans Ova Genetics customer service representative or visit our Genetic Preservation Kit order page.
In January 2008, the FDA released their Final Risk Assessment that stated that the products from cloned animals and their offspring are safe, that there is no difference in food produced from cloned animals and their offspring, thus there is no reason to require labeling on all products. The offspring of cloned animals are conventionally bred and are not cloned animals themselves.
As with all advanced reproductive technologies, cloning is part of a carefully planned and implemented genetic advancement program, uniquely defined to achieve individual client goals. For clients that have animals at the elite genetics level and marketing caliber for cloning, Trans Ova has dedicated their trained, professional team specialists to ensure the best possible care through the entire process.
For over 40 years, Trans Ova Genetics has partnered with livestock breeders to advance reproductive technologies. Through Trans Ova Genetics Advanced Technologies, we offer cloning services for cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, and deer, as well as Genetic Preservation for exotic species. With 20+ years of cloning expertise and thousands of successful clones, our experience is unmatched in the industry.
Yes, an animal produced through cloning technology carries a nuclear genome (DNA) that is an exact genetic match to the donor. The nuclear genotype, used for breed registry DNA genotyping, will be identical to the genetic donor that provided the tissue sample for Genetic Preservation or cell line creation. If the breed utilizes genomic evaluations, the cloned animal’s genomics will also match the donor.
The word “cloning” is simply a term to describe Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT). Once cells are produced from the tissue sample provided by a genetic donor, they are combined with an enucleated oocyte (unfertile egg with the nucleus removed) and fused together using a process called electrofusion. The resulting embryos are cultured and transferred into recipient mothers within one week, with variation per species. “Dolly the Sheep” was the first mammal to be produced using SCNT cloning technology more than 20 years ago.
A cloned animal is a genetic twin to an existing animal, just born at a later place in time.
To preserve an elite animal’s genetics, a tissue sample is collected from the ear or tail and cultured into a cell linethrough Genetic Preservation (GP). These cells are cryopreserved for future use in the cloning process.
For a more economical option, the Express Tissue Bank (ETB) allows producers to store a large number of samples or keep genetic material on hand without an immediate cloning commitment. In this program, the tissue sample is frozen intact and can later be cultured into a GP cell line if cloning is desired.
Cloning allows progressive producers to replicate their most valuable animals, advancing their goals for healthier, more efficient livestock and higher-quality food products. By preserving superior genetics, cloning helps create a more consistent supply of desirable traits, such as tender, flavorful beef.
Cloning also provides a solution for animals lost early in their breeding careers due to injury or death—ensuring their genetic potential isn’t lost. Additionally, it extends the influence of elite animals by increasing embryo or semen production. For clients with exceptional castrated males (steers, geldings, barrows, wethers), cloning offers the unique opportunity to produce an intact male for breeding.
Not all animals have the same income potential. Whether your business is dairy cattle, beef cattle, bucking bulls, longhorns or exotic cattle, we help you identify, preserve and reproduce the genetics of your top-producing cattle. We can help you create multiple genetic ‘twins’ to your top-producing dam, thereby greatly increasing the number of embryos and offspring.
You also have the opportunity to simultaneously mate her genetic ‘twins’ to multiple sires, which can help you quickly identify the ‘magical mating’ that produces the next generation of exceptional genetics. Additional copies of a top-producing sire ensure that you’ll have enough semen supplies to meet demand and will expand your opportunities to offer natural service sires.
Some goats and sheep far outperform their peers. Trans Ova’s cloning services enable you to multiply the impact of these exceptional animals with superior performance and phenotype. By producing genetic ‘twins’, we can help you speed the production of the next generation of superior genetics, improving performance throughout the herd.
Whether you breed pigs for show or for food production, the ability to multiply the impact of exceptional animals on the breeding herd through conventional reproduction is limited. Trans Ova helps you more effectively leverage your most valuable pigs by creating genetic twins to enhance breeding efforts and improve performance throughout the herd.