Blog & News Releases

Preservation of Rare, Heritage, or Endangered Breeds and Species

April 6, 2022

By Diane Broek Recently, I received an invitation to participate in a Gene Banking Workshop Webinar,  which had representatives from The Livestock Conservancy, ViaGen Pets, ST Technologies, Stallion AI Services, Nature’s Safe, and Trans Ova ...

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Small Ruminant Schedule

April 5, 2022

The Trans Ova team is gearing up for another great year of providing reproductive services for our sheep and goat clients. Below is the small ruminant schedule for IVF, embryo transfer, conventional flushing and LAP ...

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Preparing Cattle for Advance Reproductive Procedures

January 6, 2022

Embryo transfer and In Vitro Fertilization are powerful tools for extending the impact of superior cattle genetics. Based on decades of experience with advanced reproductive technologies, Trans Ova Genetics has compiled the following recommendations to ...

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Hello, 2022!

January 4, 2022

By Diane BroekWHAT’S NEW IN JANUARY?So besides the extremely cold weather and a new strain of Covid 19 – what are some GOOD THINGS we can look forward to in 2022?  Trans Ova Genetics is ...

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Young Beef Donor Development

January 1, 2022

Maximize Genetic Potential: Producing embryos from young heifers gives you the opportunity to maximize genetic gain and capture the value of your genetics sooner.Young Donor Expectations:The age of the first OPU is dependent on the ...

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