Jun 20, 2024
By Diane Broek
Have you been one of the lucky livestock breeders who raised or purchased, that “once in a lifetime animal?” You know which one I am talking about – the one you strive to produce again with each and every mating or purchase you make.
What if I were to tell you that you can make “once in a lifetime…. twice or more in lifetime”? Are you interested? I suspect that you are, and it may be more attainable than you ever thought it was.
Today we have a whole toolbox full of reproductive technology tools available for the progressive livestock producer. AI (artificial insemination), ET (embryo transfer), IVF (in vitro fertilization) and SS (sexed semen) are all part of the toolbox that allows you to make the next great one.
But what if you have the great one, the rock star already? That’s where the fifth tool in the toolbox comes in: genetic preservation and cloning. These tools allow you to make an identical twin to the rock star, just born at a later place in time.
You can make your irreplaceable animal… replaceable!
That’s right, you can now make that irreplaceable bull or cow, boar or sow, buck or doe, ram or ewe….replaceable! And to really blow your mind, let me add that we can produce an intact male, from a previously castrated male or a disease-free animal from one that had acquired a disease in their lifetime.
So here is the recipe to produce that genetic twin to your rock star, and it’s easier than you think:
Are you interested in hearing more about making the irreplaceable…replaceable? If you are, simply call 1-800-999-3586 and we can start you down the path to another rock star.
Diane Broek
Advanced Technologies Sales Manager