Nov 03, 2021
By Tasha Gruhot-Klimesh, PhD
The value of an F1 Angus x Hereford cross (aka blady) has stood the test of time earning its value as one of the best females a commercial producer can utilize. Crossbreed females have the advantage of heterosis resulting in increased conception, longevity, milk production, and disease resistance (both in the F1 female and her calves) as well as breed complementary over their purebred counterparts. Breed complementary allows producers to take advantage of the desirable traits from two separate breeds in one female. A greater percentage of crossbred heifers reach puberty and become pregnant earlier in life and calve at 2 years of age compared to purebred cows. Crossbred females are 8% more efficient, live 38% longer, have 25% more lifetime production in weaned weight (lbs), and breakeven costs of production are reduced by 10% compared to their purebred counterparts. A 1990s study showed that a crossbred cow with a crossbred calf generated $116 more per year than purebred cows with purebred calves. The F1 has the maximum amount of heterozygosity of any crossbred/composite thus will see the largest advantage in the above-mentioned traits that benefit from heterosis, resulting in maximum profit for the producer.
ProGentus has highly selected the Angus and Hereford parents used to produce the F1 female embryos that are commercially available to producers. Angus dams were selected for birth weight (BW), dry matter intake (DMI), maternal weight (MW), maternal height (MH), and dollars energy ($EN) which is an expression of dollar saving per cow per year. Dams are in the top 1% for DMI, MW, MH, and $EN, and the top 25th percentile for BW. These dams are moderately framed, highly efficient females. The Hereford sires were selected for moderate growth, mature cow weight, daughter longevity, teat size, and udder suspension. The F1 females from these crosses are designed for maximal maternal efficiency. The first embryos produced from these crosses were implanted and are now on their second calf crop with a 100% pregnancy rate for their second calf.
ProGentus wants to work with you, the producer, to help implement F1 replacement female embryos seamlessly into your herd. There are two options to purchase these embryos. These embryos can be bought per embryo, or as part of our embryo program. The program includes several services beyond simply purchasing embryos. First, we will help go through your herd records with you to identify which of your cows will make the most ideal recipients, we will then send you synchronization products and schedules and go over these schedules with you. One of our Trans Ova Genetics technicians will come to your ranch to implant the F1 embryos, and once your F1 calves are born you will receive an on-site visit to go over how the program worked for you. The program is based on a per live calf price, so we only succeed when you succeed!
By producing your F1 replacement females through embryos, it allows you to dedicate the rest of your cows to terminal sires to produce the heaviest and fasting growing calves you can. A program with targeted replacement female matings (embryos) and targeted market calf matings from terminal bulls allows for maximization of resources and enhanced herd profit. An F1 embryo program allows you to maximize pounds of calves weaned while maintaining maximum heterosis and breed complementary in your females.
Learn more about these replacements females at You can also contact Trans Ova for more information on services or contact Tasha directly at 712.722.3586 or at